February 17, 2013

Weekend Homework

Now that Riley is in Year 7 he has homework to do on the weekend. We have a rule that all homework has to be finished by 8pm so he doesn't leave it til the last minute. 

He does his homework on the dining room table but is so easily distracted by what everyone else is doing. I am working on getting him his own room so he can do his work on his own desk in peace.

Riley is great at writing down in his diary what needs to be done and  has handed all of his things in on time, I think he is worried about getting in trouble for not having it finished. Today he had Maths, Religion, Science and Geography, about 15-20 minutes work for each. Normally his diary is much neater than this but he seems to be able to read it.

On the left is the religion homework, to colour in the Australia map, and on the right is the safety poster he did for Science.

He has always been very good at getting his homework done quickly and efficiently but now most of his work is on the iPad he is taking alot longer to get things done. 

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